Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Contoh Paper Ilmiah

ini paper pertama yang saya buat untuk lomba APOGCE 2015. 
buat yang bingung paper itu seperti apa, mungkin saya bisa sedikit membantu , hehe
sebenernya paper itu tergantung dengan peraturan/policy yg dibuat dari penyelenggaranya, biasanya ada instruction subbmittednya kok :) nah jenis paper juga macem-macem ya ! kebtulan yang saya buat ini jenis paper yang lebih ke abstrak, jadi gak ada penggalan per paragraf yang dinamain :) so lets check this ! 

Natural Carbon Sequestration

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the common type of gas emitted from the burning of fossil fuels. The effect of CO2 which can’t be process is increasing the temperature of the earth (global warming). So that can be known CO2 emission has been increased from each year. For example in 2011 Japan’s fossil fuel consumtionincrease until 9% than in 2010.In order to reduce the CO2 emission, the CO2 sequestration needs more applied in the industry.
Natural carbon sequestration is a cycle that's been happening on this planet for billions of years. It's simply the process by which nature has achieved a balance of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere suitable for sustaining life.As we know that there is such renewable energy that can result less of CO2,such as wind energy. Beside the forest that can minimize amount of CO2, we should take an efforts to reduce the amount with used renewable energy. This is simple way with minimize CO2 ; less consumption-more tree-more energy renewable. This act can make less of CO2 and make less warming.
There has not much research been done on the abovementioned artificial processes to determine any dangers in disposing of carbon dioxide in this way. But nature has already done some of that research for usan example is Lake Nyos, Africa. Because the way of carbon sequestration is injected to te bottom of lake, On August 21 1986, Lake Nyos belched a massive cloud of carbon dioxide after an eruption that killed around 1,700 people. The Accident could be possibly happened again if we implement artificial deep injection carbon sequestration methods. Finally, we can reduce his amount of CO2in the safe way like Reduce amount of consumption general energy with used renewable energy and plant more trees. This way is simple but can make big efforts for human life.
In the artificial ways, carbon sequestration can be done in ocean sequestration whereby carbon dioxide is injected deep into the ocean and another method is geological sequestration where the carbon dioxide is pumped into underground chambers, sometimes it forms magnesite if the areas are rich cointain of magnesium. But, the artificial way is more dangerous with huge amount of CO2 refers to Like Nyos accident.

 nah, buat peraturannya sendiri APOGCE mengharuskan terdiri dari 4 paragraf dan jumlah katanya 220-450. Saran aja sih, kalo buat paper usahakan bahasanya padat dan tidak mepet dengan jumlah kata yang minimal atau maksimal. terus jangan lupa kalo paper ilmiah itu yang utamanya berdasarkan fakta dan ada kuantitasnya. SEMANGAT BERKARYA :) !!!

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